
Paladin wotlk talents
Paladin wotlk talents

Wrathfull cloack or neck, either one of them will be with hit rating, so you achive that 164 minimum hit.Wrathfull hands, go with the healer ones, is useless the passive of crusader strike and really usefull the crit of flash light.You will go full ret wrathfull, but you will change 6 items:

paladin wotlk talents paladin wotlk talents

  • Strenght is your main stat, however only use it on red gems, do not give priority to Strength.
  • Resillence not less that 1200 which will come alone just with some items and enchants and no more than 1300.
  • That is enough for PVP, don't aim for more since do to resillence is useless, and with the glyph of flash light, the sacred shield and the wrathfull healer hands you will achieve the 50% crit chance of Flash of Light
  • Crit chance is a difficult stat to valance, I have 1089 crit chance wich with the talents give you a flat 37% crit chance.
  • Spell Power minimum 2500 so with the wrathfull libram you add 3000 spell power to your flash light, more is always welcome.
  • paladin wotlk talents

    Gemming or enchanting more AP is good, but dont forget the other stats, I have 4423. Atack Power minimum 4200 so you increas your spell power for 1260, this are both easy to achive.Expertise with the glyph Seal of Vengance you get 10, enough for PVP.This is your main stat, but don't go over 8% which becomes useless. Is good to know that no hit = no AoW prot = no survavility. You want to hit as many times as possible for the AoW prot, the minimum hit chance is 5% which is 164, however, with the extra hit chance, you make sure hitting classes like mage, rouge, shadow priest, paladin and many others that have some talents that reduce the chance of being hit is always welcome. This stats, can always change, you can vary them on your playstyle, however this are the ones that work for me, in order of preference:

    Paladin wotlk talents